Today I see my own name in a new light. My entire life I have always understood grace to mean beauty and elegance. Today it dawned on me how much more it means. Today I have a new appreciation for my name. Today is a special day!
Grace means connecting to the source, connecting to the divine, connecting to the energy that creates and governs all of us. Grace means love. Grace means being present. Grace means trust. Grace means forgiveness. Grace means compassion. Grace means acceptance. Grace means harmony. Grace simply means being who you are, without the judgement, without the drama. Grace means truth. Grace means being honest with others…and yourself.
These are all the things I strive for in this journey of life and today I realized that my name is a reminder of all these things. Of what’s truly important and how my name is a beautiful mantra to invite more love into my life. A name that motivates me to be more…..and to receive more. A name that encourages me to open my heart. A name that reminds me to live more graciously. A name that inspires me to embrace divine grace. Grace Van Berkum striving for grace…….GRACIOUS LIVING.
You don’t need my name to be reminded of the grace that resides in all of us, and all around us. Just look around. Grace is everywhere. Grace is in a flower blooming. Grace is in a child’s laughter. Grace is a rainbow. Grace is an athlete scoring a goal. Grace is a genuine smile. Grace is in a meal prepared with love. Grace is the beauty and mystery of life. Grace is inner peace. Grace is inside of you…….waiting for you.

You are what you eat. You are what you think. Gracious Living Lifestyle XO