April/May 2015 Sweat Equity Magazine.
**ALWAYS an honour to be a part of this awesome healthy lifestyle magazine showcasing my love & passion for ultimate energy, vitality, and love. Namaste XO

Add a whole lemon? Why not?!
The added lemon to this smoothie gives it a fresh, citrus taste that is not only delicious but high in Vitamin C and enzymes.
1 scoop Sunwarrior Vanilla Warrior Blend Protein Powder
1 whole lemon with skin peeled off
1 banana
1 cup spinach
2-3 cups water
1 cup ice
Blend till smooth & creamy.
Delicious and energizing!
Here’s a tip: Peel your bananas, break into chunks, and store in container in the freezer. Use a frozen banana for your smoothies for a creamy, sweet texture.
Immunity Tip: You can also do that with your lemons!
Peel whole lemons, cut into 4’s, and freeze in container.
Use frozen lemons whenever you need to for your plant powered, delicious smoothies!
*For added energy boost: Add Four Sigma Foods CORDYCEPS mushroom packet
(type "Grace911" for 15% off)
*For some berry sweetness: Add 1 cup strawberries
You are what you eat. You are what you think. ~Gracious Living Lifestyle https://www.graciouslivingoasis.com/