For optimal body cleansing and organ detoxification, these raw soups are best eaten at room temperature or chilled.

GLO DETOX VEGGIE GAZPACHO: 1/2 cucumber 1 celery stalk 1 cup romaine lettuce 1 avocado 1 red apple 1 peeled lemon 1 handful parsley or cilantro
Sea salt to taste
Fresh garlic to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
2 cups water
*Add a hunk of ginger
*Add 1 tbsp. chia gel for extra protein
*Add 3 tbsp. hemp seeds for extra protein
*Top with baby sunflower sprouts
Blend till creamy & smooth. Enjoy right away or chill for a few hours for more flavour.

You are what you eat. You are what you think. ~Gracious Living Lifestyle