GloPro Immune Blend offers a blend of the world’s top adaptogens and superfoods to nourish the nervous system and keep the immune system strong, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Immune Blend helps you function optimally, both physically and mentally.

Activate your GLO!
5 Ways To Incorporate GLOPRO Immune Blend into your life so you feel better. Just add 1 tsp to these recipes below:
1) Smoothies
2) Glass of Water (should not be ice cold for best digestion)
3) Blended Coffee
4) Raw Protein Energy Bites
5) Salad Dressings

*Check out GLOPRO Testimonials on Instagram HERE. *Live in Nicaragua? See where GLOPRO is sold in Nicaragua HERE. *Live somewhere else in the world? Order your GLOPRO HERE. *See what your body feels like when you have GLOPRO everyday on a GLO SelfCare Retreat Experience.